Category A -– Driveway Gates -– Nonforged

Gold: Living Design Studios

Title of Entry: Sadie's Hideaway

Finish Type: #4 linear grain

Total Labor Hours: 270

Materials: 316L stainless steel

Each gate leaf in this extraordinary gate is made of 316L stainless steel tube with waterjet slots to allow the passage of woven infill to the exterior. The woven infill are strips of sheared and press broken SST 16-gauge sheet. Each strip passes through two walls of the HSS to the outside, where it is welded and ground flush.

This work is concealed by a perimeter flat bar attached with countersunk stainless steel screws tapped into the tube. The hinges are machined into the perimeter flat bar jambs. At each mitered joint, the welds are ground smooth and grained over to be made invisible. Electrical wire chases pass through the frame to power the mag locks. The gates are 14' wide and engineered to sustain hurricane force winds – like Hurricane Michael, which hit during install!

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