Where Does the Cloud Fit into Construction?


Has your company taken the plunge to purchase tablets or smartphones? You see and hear other people talking about how they keep work items in the cloud and access them when they need to. But, you just received your new mobile device and you do not know how to access it. There are several options available at the moment for cloud-based services. The question at hand is which is the right one for your company? The answer to that depends on what you want to store, access and use in the cloud. When it comes to running business software and apps in the cloud, there are two traditional options.

Option One: The Server Room
The first option is to set up and maintain your own local server(s). This is the hot cramped little room that most people walk by and forget about until they get a "Network Failure" message on their desktop. This option is great for those lucky enough to work in the Ivory Tower that houses the fabled server room. But what about those who work remotely at project sites? Most often they feel like they are in "the hatch" and afraid that if we forget to punch in the number sequence the whole world may come to an end! If your company does not have a full time IT professional, it becomes very expensive and time consuming to maintain an internal server network.

Option Two: The Cloud
The second option is the brave new world of cloud-based servers. This is a somewhat taboo concept in the IT industry; some people are having a rough time giving up control of that server room. By storing documents on a cloud server you allow your team members to more easily access documents. This allows for real-time collaboration and mark ups for project documents between team members. Companies can save money on labor by speeding up completion times on submittals and other workflows.

The AEC industries have seen a huge change over the past few years regarding mobile devices and cloud storage. There are many construction professionals now using tablets to access project documents in the field. To do this they are placing documents such as plans, specifications, and photos on cloud servers for easy access. This revolutionary process has taken documents out of offices and trailers and placed them in the field. A few IT professionals still have security over many of these consumer-based cloud options.

Option Three: Hybrid
But wait, there is a third option out there now! What about a hybrid solution of cloud and local storage with great security options? Egnyte provides automatic and constant synchronization between your office server and a cloud folder. Egnyte works on Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows devices. It allows an account administrator to set user permissions and allows users to upload files to their cloud account and utilize local storage at your facility. Plans start at $8 per month (five user minimum) for a 1 TB account.

Visit Rob's blog, www.conappguru.wordpress.com, for more reviews on construction apps.