Server Room Temperature Monitor

Q. After walking in to a server room that was at 115F this morning I am researching temperature monitors to notify me via text and email when a threshold is reached.

Curious what others use and experiences?

Fortunately we had no equipment damage but I may have some blood pressure damage.

Brett Berdine
Byrne Construction Services

A. We have used the APC Netbotz appliance, it's been a life saver for us after I once experienced what you just did today a couple years back.  Does temperature, humidity, air flow motion, sound and more.  Emails and texts based on your set thresholds.
Ben Stromberg
Knutson Construction

A. I have an APC Environmental Manager with the temperature probe. When it has sent a message, there was a problem that needed to be addressed.

I also bought a remote thermometer and keep the display in my office and the probe in the computer room. It does not send messages, but I can always reference the temperature in the room.
Mark Reid
Saunders Construction

A. If you have a security system in your building...i.e Stanley, ADT, GE, etc., you can get temperature sensors connected to the security system that will monitor the environmental conditions for you.  The company that monitors it for you will call/text/email when an extreme environmental event occurs.  Some of these security systems will also let you monitor the temp from an app on your handheld device and/or computer.

We’ve had a Stanley system for years and that part of it has always functioned well.
Edward J Twehous
Twehous Excavating Company Inc.

A. Avtech
Jim Gaba
Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc.

A. We had a very similar experience about three  years ago. After a few days of research we purchased a RoomAlert 24E from Avtech.  We now monitor several zones for temperature and humidity.  We also hooked up a power monitor to our AC unit for the server room. This all comes standard on one RoomAlert device.  It has been a tremendous help.  Anytime the temperature in our server room raises about 84.5°, I get an email and a text.  Anytime the power goes out on the AC, I get an email and a text.  Anytime the temperature in our document storage room goes over 90°, I get an email and a text.

Avtech has quite a few extra options you can add to you RoomAlert like a flood, smoke and motion sensors.
Jeremiah Jilk
John S. Meek Company Inc.