The IT Forum gives AGC members an opportunity to discuss best practices and garner feedback about products and services that increase efficiencies. The following questions and answers were taken from recent forum posts.

Q: We are primarily an HCSS Software company (HeavyJob, HeavyBid and Dispatcher) and some of the supers in the field want access to HCSS without having to pull over and boot up a laptop, connect a broadband card – hoping it works in all kinds of locations – and then starting up Citrix. Are there options out there I’m not aware of?
Jim Gaba
Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc.

A: iPad with 3G and Citrix Receiver or a custom iPad or Android app.
Nathan Jovin
Soltek Pacific

A: iPad w/3G, connected to an office PC with the LogMeIn app. Works reasonably well.
Edward J Twehous
Twehous Excavating Company

A: Currently using Xenapp Citrix server, users accessing server via the Citrix receiver app on iPad and Android devices along with any web browser-based machine.
CJ Rainer
Doster Construction Company