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Viewpoint Construction Software

Viewpoint Construction Software

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2015 Fall BIMForum

VDC for Design Phase Management & Preconstruction
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 to Wednesday, October 21, 2015 
Orlando, Florida

The use of virtual design and construction (VDC) techniques is becoming more widespread in just about every global economy. Governments, such as in the United Kingdom, are even setting targets for required VDC/BIM within the next few years. We would like to explore how the utilization of VDC techniques in the design and planning phase are ultimately impacting our project outcomes.

With architects, engineers, builders, and design-assist trade contractors widely using VDC tools during the design and planning phase, how is this early utilization impacting our ultimate project outcomes?

How are we engaging this newly transparent model based design process? Or are we still missing key interfaces or cross-disciplinary understanding? Are we managing and coping with the iterative design process better, or simply locking in designers earlier? Are we still glorifying the printed set, or have we truly found a new medium of communication (and what does it look like)?

Register here.


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