Federal Contractor Report

AGC Urges Swift Passage of Senate Career and Technical Education Legislation

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The Senate HELP Committee passed legislation to reform and reauthorize the Perkins Act, which is the primary legislation authorizing federal career and technical education funding. The House has passed AGC-supported legislation twice in as many years to only have it stall in the Senate.

The legislation under consideration gives employers more opportunities to provide input to states that are planning career education to ensure it’s focused on in-demand skills and on work-based learning. The Jobs and Careers Coalition – of which AGC is a member – wrote to Senate leaders urging them to ensure that final legislation focus on employment outcomes and provide greater flexibility to states to allow them to better adapt to local needs.

AGC remains hopeful that the Senate will simply adopt the House-passed legislation and have it signed into law to help combat the skills shortage in the industry and the greater economy.

For more information, contact Jim Young at youngj@agc.org or (202) 547-0133.


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