From key educational sessions to productive networking opportunities, there's no doubt AGC impressed convention attendees with the program it delivered in San Juan this year. Here are just a few of the comments posted on Twitter.

"Great briefing this morning by @AGCofA political team on the role of the PAC & their efforts with Congress. Membership means Access #AGC2015" ~ @Wayne Hammon

"Regulatory wall tilting toward construction ind is heavy but AGCA's shoulders are broad to handle the weight and push back #AGC2015" ~ @ADDigger

"#AGC2015 Big Frank #Big Heart and Amazing story, thanks for sharing!  The future is in good hands!!!" ~ @TomCasePC

"Thank you Al Landes for a great year of service as @AGCofA President! #AGC2015" ~ @JaynesCorp

"Advice for Americans? "Keep the shower curtain inside the tub." -Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour #AGC2015" ~ @CAGCNCBldgDiv

"BIG Texas-sized hat tip to @AGCofA for a great #AGC2015!" ~ @AGCHouston