Bad Roads Bite: Kansas Contractors Association's Sharknado

The Kansas Contractors Association launched a new advertising and education campaign designed to protect highway funding and educate state and federal officials about the economic and safety benefits of good roads. The new effort, called "Save Kansas Roads," will feature highway billboard and semi-truck ads, social media, direct mailings and public outreach to highlight the connection between good roads and a strong state economy, association officials said.

Association officials added that nationwide, traffic congestion and poor road conditions are costing construction firms an estimated $23 billion in wasted fuel and delayed productivity every year. They added that with construction accounting for just 8 percent of U.S. gross domestic product, the cost to the broader economy of aging roads and bridges was far more significant.

In addition to pushing to protect state highway funding, association officials added that they were also pushing Congress to quickly pass a fully-funded long-term highway and transit bill. "The uncertainty surrounding federal transportation funding makes it hard for state officials to plan new projects and highway contractors to make key hiring and equipment purchasing decisions," said Brian Turmail, the spokesman for the Associated General Contractors of America.

Associated General Contractors of America