Stress Management Tips


Stress is a natural part of life, but if you fail to manage your stress levels, the effects can be cumulative. High levels combined with poor management can lead to severe health problems and affect your performance, relationships and life quality. As you and your employees work to meet strict deadlines, it is vital to ensure that the quality of work is not compromised in the process.

Studies have shown that stress costs United States employers nearly $200 billion each year through absenteeism, medical insurance, workers’ compensation, and other expenses related to stress, which cause staff turnover and reduced productivity. Nearly 75 percent of employees quit their jobs due to work pressures. Stress is a major factor that leads to work-related injuries and disease, absenteeism, illnesses (nearly 80 percent), and nearly half of all sick days taken. One of the most common reasons for quitting a job is stress due to being overworked and having a work-life imbalance.
It is important for your company to provide your employees with a stress management program that will keep everyone healthy, happy and on staff.

With the proper training, your employees will be well equipped to manage their stress levels to avoid getting fried. A good stress management training program should educate employees about the sources and nature of stress, effects it has on their health, and skills on how to reduce and manage the stress. Some of the skills that employees should be taught include relaxation exercises, time management, and how to handle difficult situations effectively. Employee assistance programs can also be offered to counsel employees who are struggling through personal or work problems. Companies that implement stress management programs will quickly see the benefits, and over time also see the cost-effective benefits. They will see healthier and happier employees, more productivity, and ultimately much less turnover.

The best stress management technique is to eliminate the cause of stress. Changing a few factors in the work place is an effective approach that can help make the workplace stress free. Consultants can help develop ways to enhance and improve working conditions. This involves identifying some of the aspects leading to stress at work such as conflicting expectations and excess workload. Consultants assist in designing stress management strategies to eliminate or reduce the stressors identified. The major benefit of this approach is that it focuses on the major causes of stress unique to your company. However, as a manager, you need to note that this approach may involve changes in production schedules, routines and organizational structure. This tactic can be combined with stress management training to effectively maximize stress reduction.

Employees need more input. Providing them with the proper resources will help them manage their stress levels. By utilizing a comprehensive stress management approach, companies can focus on different areas that need to be improved. Jobs should provide stimulation, meaning and opportunities for employees to effectively use their skills as they undertake their daily roles. Some of the strategies that can be implemented include:
This comprehensive approach will go a long way to help employees manage their stress so they can live a balanced and fulfilled life. Happy employees will want to stay with your company and won’t even think about needing more input elsewhere.

One of the best ways to show employees they are appreciated is to give them rewards. If employees realize their efforts are appreciated by managers, their chances of becoming stressed out are much lower. Encourage team building by creating a reward system as part of your stress management program. For instance, the human resource manager can develop certificates that employees can give each other for demonstrating qualities encouraged by the company culture. Whatever culture you decide on should be incorporated into meetings, activities and training sessions. Anecdotes, fun training materials, and humorous activities can make the work environment more enjoyable, which will go a long way in helping employees reduce and manage stress. They might even go so far as to say, "I am satisfied with my care."

By offering employees a wellness program as part of a well-rounded stress management program, you will empower employees to develop a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude toward their job, leading to reduced stress. Wellness programs can include yoga classes, running groups, or a company sports team. Companies can offer to pay for family health costs, inviting families to company events, paying for childcare, or providing free or reduced gym memberships. Incorporating your company’s values and showcasing employees’ strengths will go a long way in reducing stress sick days, and injuries. When employees are healthier, they will enjoy increased job satisfaction and more positive relationships at work, which in turn will have them more apt to want to shine and show you what they’re made of.

As a manager, it is important to utilize some of these stress management strategies to ensure your employees remain productive and happy. Your employees are the greatest assets you have, and they need to be in tip-top shape if a company is to succeed.