PC Construction Participates in Fall Prevention Events During Safety Stand-Down

More than 1,100 PC Construction employee-owners and project subcontractors participated in detailed safety training and fall prevention events at the company's jobsites along the east coast. 

OSHA's National Safety Stand-Down was held during the week of June 2-6, 2014, to raise awareness among employers and workers about the hazards of falls, which account for the highest number of deaths in the construction industry.

"At PC Construction, safety is our number one priority, and we work closely with OSHA to emphasize safety planning and ensure we have the right equipment on the jobsite," says Joe Barry, CHST, regional safety engineer at PC Construction, an AGC of Vermont and Carolinas AGC member. "Whether working on roofs or scaffolds, climbing ladders or working at any height, the right training and equipment can prevent falls."