Chief Wayne Friedman Joins NYSAFC Board of Directors

Chief Wayne C. Friedman of the Cortland Fire Department has been appointed by the board of directors to replace Chief Stefano Napolitano, who resigned from the board in July upon being named deputy state fire administrator. Friedman will serve out the remainder of the term as the board’s designated career director.

Friedman began his fire service career in 1987 with the Cuyler Fire Department. After relocating in 1996, he joined the Cortlandville Fire Department, where he was chief from 2007-2008 and continues to volunteer. Friedman’s emergency services background includes employment as an EMT/paramedic with two commercial ambulance services and 18 years as a 911 dispatcher for Cortland County. His professional fire service career began in 1998 with the Tully Fire District. In 2003, he was hired by the City of Cortland Fire Department, and he was appointed chief in 2019. Friedman became a New York state fire instructor in 2008 and is a member of the IAFC, Career Fire Chiefs of New York State, New York State Fire Marshals & Inspectors Association, Central New York Firemen’s Association, and FASNY. He is actively involved with the Cortland County Fire Advisory Board and Cortland County Fire Chiefs Association, where he was president from 1992-1995, and he also served as a deputy fire coordinator from 2003-2011. Friedman earned an associate degree in fire protection technology from Onondaga Community College, a bachelor’s degree in public administration from Empire State College, and is a graduate of the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer (EFO) Program.

NYSAFC gratefully acknowledges the service of Stefano Napolitano and offers congratulations on his appointment with the Office of Fire Prevention and Control.

Learn more about the NYSAFC board of directors here.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs