Deborah Boniface Retires from NYSAFC Staff

Debbie Boniface retired from the NYSAFC staff on November 20, 2017, after nearly 25 years of dedicated service to the association.

Boniface joined the staff in 1993, working as a seasonal employee assisting with preparations for the Annual Conference & FIRE Expo. She joined the staff full-time in 2002 as executive assistant. Among her many responsibilities, Boniface coordinated the association’s board and committee meetings and manned the Exhibitor Services Area at the Annual Conference & FIRE Expo. She has also actively supported the fire service in her community, as she is a past president of the Defreestville Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. 

The NYSAFC staff and President John Sroka celebrated Debbie’s retirement at a luncheon on November 6 and the entire board of directors, committee members, and staff honored her at the association’s Annual Fall Meeting in Saratoga Springs, NY on November 17, 2017.

Best wishes, happy travels, and a heartfelt thank you to Debbie from the officers and staff of NYSAFC!

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs