Welcome to the New NYSAFC Bugle!

The New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NYSAFC), along with its publishing partner Naylor Association Solutions, is pleased to introduce a new layout and design for The NYSAFC Bugle monthly e-newsletter!

The NYSAFC Bugle provides association members and affiliates with the latest fire, rescue, and EMS news from across New York state and the nation, as well as details on upcoming NYSAFC programs and activities. Archives of past issues are available here.

Stay in touch with NYSAFC online through our new website. There, you’ll find links to NYSAFC’s SIZE UP magazine digital edition archives, plus links to NYSAFC on social media, including the association’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr accounts. If you’re not already following NYSAFC on social media, we encourage you to and join the conversation!

Thank you to our NYSAFC Bugle advertisers for their continued support, which helps make this e-newsletter possible!

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs