Training Dates Announced for Fireground Responsibilities of the Incident Commander Program

NYSAFC recently announced a complete schedule for its new training, Fireground Responsibilities of the Incident Commander. This 20-hour program is designed to assist fire departments in meeting the Best Practices for Incident Commanders as outlined by the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Fire Prevention and Control and referenced by the New York State Department of Labor Public Employee Safety and Health Bureau.

The training includes a lecture and discussions, as well as interactive "hands-on" class activities and case studies that allow students to apply the principles of fireground safety and supervision. This initiative is funded by a grant from the New York State Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program’s Hazard Abatement Board.

There is no cost to attend the Fireground Responsibilities of the Incident Commander training; however, participants must commit to attending the entire time. Class size is limited to 24 participants per site due to the interactive nature of the exercises.

Trainings are scheduled for the following dates and sites:
For more information or to register for a program, contact NYSAFC Grants Administrator Sue Syzdek at (800) 676-3473 or by email.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs