Frequent Flier or Criminal?

By EMS Coordinator Mike McEvoy, Ph.D., NRP, RN, CCRN
NYSAFC EMS Committee

New York State Penal Code ยง240.50(2) makes reporting an emergency where none exists a Class A misdemeanor. If you suspect that a Medicaid enrollee is abusing emergency ambulance services, the Medicaid Transportation Policy Unit would like to hear from you. 

Send the Medicaid enrollee's name, Medicaid identification number, and circumstances of the perceived abuse via email or call (518) 473-2160. The Office of the Medicaid Inspector General’s Recipient Fraud Unit will investigate referrals made by the Medicaid Transportation Policy Unit. 

Fine print: enrollee names and identification numbers are PHI (protected health information) and need to be forwarded in a secure format. Consider calling first.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs