Study Request: EMS Versus Athletic Trainers

By EMS Coordinator Mike McEvoy, Saratoga County
NYSAFC Director, EMS

The University of Minnesota is conducting a study to analyze the understanding of certified athletic trainers versus emergency medical services professions. As athletic participation increases, the number of injuries also rises. Event sponsors are utilizing certified athletic trainers and emergency medical services personnel more often to treat athletic injuries. This increased exposure has led to more interaction between the two groups.

This study seeks to identify the level of understanding each profession has towards the other's scope of practice, educational requirements, and level of trust. For the purpose of this study, EMS personnel include paramedics, EMTs, and emergency medical responders. 

This survey is approved through the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board and will be available here until June 15, 2014.

Please pass this along to your colleagues and members. The results should help to bridge any gaps between EMS and certified athletic trainers.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs