Hands-On Training at FIRE 2014... Why Should I Go to That? I’m the Chief!

By Chief Paul C. Melfi
NYSAFC Hands-On Training Coordinator

Yes, you are the fire chief and yes, you are going to the NYSAFC Annual Conference. Now, I am going to give you a challenge to see if you still have your members, the fire department, and the citizens you serve in your best interest, which I believe you do. This is the answer to the question, "Why should I go to that?" The challenge is to take a few moments out of your time at the show and travel to the Hands-On Training program site to see what we are doing with your firefighters.  

This challenge comes from a prior chief officer. If your firefighters see you at the site, it shows that you are committed to their educational life in the department. Just showing up and making your presence known, and maybe saying thank you, inspires them to continue to seek these educational opportunities. You are now and have been (even if they don’t tell you) an integral part of their success and the future of your organization. Believe it or not, you are still their boss! With that in mind, being present for training demonstrates that the future of the fire service is one of your priorities and the safety of your firefighters is paramount in your mind.

Why would I give you such a challenge? Because I have seen this work more times with positive results than most anything else you can do as a leader. You see, when the chief shows up at classroom or hands-on training, then steps up to say thank you for coming and hangs around for a little bit, it displays leadership. That display shows you care and are interested enough to take time out of your busy schedule to keep their success as your top priority. Believe me, I know that you are busy and sometimes overwhelmed with running your organization, but the top priority is your members and their safety.  

As a hands-on training instructor for many years, it has always amazed me how many students attend these programs and are starving for this type of training. That is the fuel that keeps program instructors energized and coming back year after year. The majority of NYSAFC’s instructors have been hands-on instructors for programs across the country. With that in mind, these are the resident experts that are called upon to assist the association in our training. We are so proud that they are willing to take time out of their lives to share their experience. What they share with your firefighters are lifelong lessons (sometimes tragic) that are the basis for keeping all firefighters alive in the future. For lack of better terms, they uncover the real reasons why something went wrong. They know that it is more important to tell the truth rather than cower in the now and again embarrassment. Telling your firefighters the truth is the only way to free us from this embarrassment.  

At FIRE 2014, NYSAFC’s Hands-On Training program will include "Advanced Thermal Imaging Camera Ops," "Aggressive Interior Fire Attack," "Truck Company Ops I: Getting In & Getting Around," "Truck Company Ops II: Getting Up & Getting On," "Flashover," "Advanced Vehicle Extrication," "Multifaceted Elevator Rescue," "Rapid Intervention/FAST/Survival," "Rope Rescue," and "Trench Rescue." Openings are still available in some programs, so there’s still time to participate. Click here to learn how.

Lastly, in this and all the programs NYSAFC provides, we talk to students about sharing their experience with all of their brothers and sisters back in their home departments. That truly is one of our missions. It should be the "motto" of our lives. Share the valuable learning tools that are given to you throughout your career. Whether they are gained on the actual combat grounds of firefighting or through the simulated combat training that you receive during your years of service, without sharing our lessons, mistakes, and successes we have not accomplished our life mission. I am now sharing another one of my life lessons... you must participate in this training. It will save lives!

Chiefs, come and take a tour during FIRE 2014. That is my challenge to you. And thank you for sharing your firefighters with us. Email NYSAFC or call the office at (800) 676-FIRE to learn more about this program at FIRE 2014, as well as our Regional Hands-On Training – Flashover program. And visit our website to register for Hands-On Training!

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs