Flashover... What It Is!

By Chief Paul C. Melfi
NYSAFC Hands-On Training Coordinator

After spending many years in the fire service, I’ve seen the aftermath of flashover and near-miss flashover events.

A program is now available that will enhance your firefighters’ training and education to keep them alive. This was never part of my recruit school back in the 1980s, but now that it is here, I can tell you it is a vital lifesaving and learning tool. It is called the Hands-On Training – Flashover Program and it is delivered by your New York State Association of Fire Chiefs each year during the NYSAFC Annual Conference & FIRE Expo, and now on the local level through the NYSAFC Regional Hands-On Training Program.

When NYSAFC first started offering flashover training several years ago during the Annual Conference, I believed like many others that it was just a way to "season" a firefighter’s coat and helmet, i.e., make the gear look like a "salty seasoned" tough firefighter’s gear.  

Since that time, I’ve become intimately involved in the program and have come to realize just how vital this training is in saving firefighters’ lives. After a gracious donation by the Holbrook Fire Department, the association acquired a transportable flashover training simulator that allows NYSAFC to train firefighters not only during the Annual Conference, but also year round throughout New York state.

What can I tell you about this training that will excite fire chiefs, officers, and firefighters across New York state?

First, we have assembled a well-trained, certified, committed, and talented pool of instructors. They have trained and experimented in this container, and have mastered the art of using one of the most educational tools available in the history of the fire service. As one of my "seasoned" instructors says during his interaction with students, this is sort of a "lab experiment." We give you a lecture on what flashover is, how it happens, how fast it happens, and how quickly you must react to save your firefighters’ lives.  Then we put you in a safe environment so you can experience the "signs and symptoms" of a real flashover. You can put all of that knowledge into your memory banks for later use in your fire service life – be it two hours, two months, two years, or two decades later.   

Second, I can tell you that the overwhelming response from students who have participated in this program has been, "This is the best training I’ve ever had!" I challenge you to ask any of the students that have already completed this training  about its value and the importance of what they learned. You will be surprised that most will have more than one thing to say to you.  

Lastly, in this program we talk to students about sharing their experience with all of their brothers and sisters back in their home departments. That truly is one of our missions. It should be the "motto" of our lives. Share the valuable learning tools that are given to you throughout your career. Whether they are gained on the actual combat grounds of firefighting or through the simulated combat training that you receive during your years of service, without sharing our lessons, mistakes, and successes we have not accomplished our life mission.  

I am now sharing one of my life lessons... you must participate in this training. It will save lives! Email NYSAFC to learn more.  

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs