Legislative Update

By Chief David Winzig,
Vice Chairman, NYSAFC Government Affairs Committee

The New York State Legislature has recently gone into recess. The information and actions concerning the following legislative items are accurate as of this writing.
Novelty Lighters (S.933-A/A.1011-A) – Passed both houses and being delivered to the governor.

Sex Offenders (S.1885-B/A.2318-B) 
 Passed in the Senate and returned to the Assembly.

Seat Belt Exemption (S.3733/A.5400) 
 Third reading in the Senate and referred to Transportation Committee in the Assembly.

Residential Sprinklers (S.4610/A.7916) 
 Passed in the Senate and delivered to the Assembly.

There were other legislative items of importance on NYSAFC's agenda, so an updated report on all legislative items will be provided to you in either the next issue of The NYSAFC Bugle or SIZE UP.

If you should have any questions concerning any items on our legislative agenda, please contact any member of the Government Affairs Committee. Committee members for 2013-2014 will be announced this summer.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs