Company Officers Leadership Training Concludes in Rochester

NYSAFC’s Company Officers Leadership Training (COLT) program, held April 12-13, 2013, in Rochester, N.Y., was attended by 85 fire service leaders from around the region.

This concludes the association’s most recent COLT series, which was also held in late 2012 in Westchester County.

COLT provides a unique opportunity for line officers to hone their leadership skills on and off the fireground, which will enhance the overall strength of the fire department team.

The latest COLT series included a Friday lecture, "From the Fire House to the Fireground: What You Need to Know" with Lieutenant Tim Klett, Fire Department City of New York (FDNY) and Chief Mike Lombardo, Buffalo Fire Department. It concluded with a lecture on Saturday, "Fire Station Leadership – Essentials That Will Transform Your Fire Station and Your Life," with Retired Battalion Chief Mark Emery, Woodinville (WA) Fire & Rescue.

Look for information later this year on NYSAFC’s next COLT series. And if you missed this program but are interested in hearing Tim Klett and Mike Lombardo lecture, they’ll be participating in the education program during FIRE 2013, the NYSAFC 107th Annual Conference & Expo at the Turning Stone. Click here to learn more.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs