Mark Your Calendar for the Oneida County Fire Chiefs FIRE Expo Clambake

The Oneida County Fire Chiefs Association and the Floyd Fire Department and Ladies Auxiliary will sponsor the 5th Annual O.C.F.C. FIRE Expo Clambake during the NYSAFC Annual Conference and FIRE 2013 Expo.

The event will take place on Thursday, June 13, 2013, from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Floyd Fire Department, which is just a short drive from the Turning Stone. Fire department buses will run every 30 minutes from the Turning Stone to the event.

Tickets are $40 with clams and $20 without clams. Tickets for children ages 6-12 are $8.00, and kids under five can enter for free. Come and enjoy great food, DJ music, and meet up with old friends from across the state at this special event. All FIRE 2013 vendors are welcome to attend.

In addition to clams, other menu items include: steak and chicken sandwiches; sausage, peppers and onions; hamburgers and hot dogs; tossed, macaroni and potato salads; salt potatoes; baked beans; veggie platter; soda; bottled water; beer and wine; and homemade cookies.

Hope you can join the fun this year! Click here to download more information, including how to purchase tickets.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs