Dues Are Due

Keep an eye out for your Individual and Fire Department dues invoices, which are being mailed in October, 2012.

NYSAFC is proud to recognize the support of all members. Thank you for your dedication to the association!

Here are a few of the benefits of Individual Membership for your $35 dues payment:

And here are some of the benefits and services your fire department/agency can enjoy through NYSAFC's Department Membership ($150 dues payment):

It is also important that we reach out to non-members and reacquaint them with all these valuable benefits and services the association provides. If you are interested in learning more about member benefits or  joining NYSAFC click here to visit our website and download copies of our membership applications. Remember, you don’t have to be a chief officer to join!

For further information, click here to e-mail NYSAFC Conferences Coordinator Sue Revoir.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs