NYSAFC Planning Additional Dates for Free Recruitment and Marketing Assistance Training

NYSAFC is finalizing arrangements for three additional training dates for its SAFER-funded Recruitment and Marketing Assistance Training.

This training is targeted at public information officers, public relations coordinators, and recruitment coordinators from volunteer fire departments. It is designed to help volunteer fire departments interact more effectively with their local media and also develop campaigns to help them better market themselves to their communities.

Recruitment and Marketing Assistance Training features speakers with years of experience in fire department media relations, public relations, marketing, and fire department recruitment. During an interactive segment of the training, some participants will also be given an opportunity to practice their new media relations skills in front of a camera. In addition, program instructors will discuss developing and implementing recruitment plans and review some of the best practices in recruiting volunteers.

Check the NYSAFC website in the next weeks for the training dates and locations, as well as a registration form.

E-mail Sue Syzdek or call (800) 676-3473 with questions.

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs