News From New York State DHSES-OFPC

From Commissioner Jerome M. Hauer

The New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) and the New York State Department of State, in conjunction with the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER),  announced a new system called the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS). SLMS will be the new way of registering students for training and tracking learner history. SLMS replaces the learning management systems previously developed and maintained by individual agencies, including the Office of Emergency Management, Office of Counter Terrorism, Office of Fire Prevention and Control, and the Division of Code Enforcement and Administration (DCEA).

You will be receiving an e-mail soon from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations that will provide instructions on how to log into SLMS. All learners should be aware that they may receive more than one e-mail. In the process of pulling learning history information from multiple training systems, an effort was made to match users so that no records would be duplicated for learners. However, more than one account may have been created for you if a duplicate was not found. If you’ve received more than one e-mail with the SLMS instructions and have taken training from one of the offices listed below, please call the appropriate number so they can assist you in reconciling your learner history records.

Office of Emergency Management – (518) 292-2351

Office of Counter Terrorism – (518) 292-2351

Office of Fire Prevention and Control – (518) 474-6746

Division of Code Enforcement and Administration – (518) 474-4073

In regards to fire training programs scheduled through the county fire coordinators office, you will receive additional communication from their office regarding the specific registration method for these courses. While overall course management will be through SLMS, some may choose to still provide a centralized course registration process. Instructions: If you would like to know more about SLMS and what benefits it provides, click here to download a fact sheet. 

For additional information, as well as learning modules, click here

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs