"9/11: The World Speaks"

As we approach the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001, a special book from the Tribute WTC Visitor Center was recently released. 9/11: The World Speaks features a collection of comments, memories, and poignant drawings of visitors to the Tribute Center.

More than 2.3 million people from 120 countries have visited the Tribute WTC Visitor Center since it opened in 2006. The Tribute Center’s motto "Person to Person History" is exemplified by the volunteer guides who share their own personal September 11 experiences on their tours prompting some 200,000 visitors to offer their own thoughts, recollections, and artwork on 5x7 cards (in 47 different languages).

To commemorate these contributions and collections of this shared experience, the Tribute Center has selected about 225 of these comments to be preserved in a special commemorative book. As we approach the anniversary, this book reminds us of some of the ways that 9/11 changed the world.

9/11: The World Speaks is available from the from the Tribute Center Online Gift Shop, at Barnes & Noble, Amazon and wherever books are sold. 

Click here to watch a NY1 News report on a recent book signing with Lee Ielpi of the Tribute WTC Visitor Center.



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