Resource Alert! Smoke Alarm Tip Sheet

Resource alert! Educators can now access a NEW smoke alarm tip sheet on the NFPA website. Click here to download.

The tip sheet is an update of a previous version and includes all of the basic smoke alarm information that you would want to include in your fire safety and smoke alarm projects.

Speaking of smoke alarms – don’t forget that it’s time for a spring cleaning! Are you reminding your community to clean their smoke alarms? Do your fire education messages include information about smoke alarm maintenance? Dust and cobwebs should be removed regularly to keep smoke alarms in the best working condition. Cleaning can be done quickly, easily and safely with a vacuum cleaner hose or a hair dryer – no ladder required!

And while we’re talking about spring cleaning – this is a great time to take inventory of the public fire education materials you have on hand. If the tip sheets and brochures you are using look outdated, it’s probably time to "freshen up" your materials. Check out some of the great new items being posted on the web. You might even find some ideas for new fire safety projects or interactive education!

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs