Board and Committee Meeting Moves Association Forward

Though the NYSAFC board of directors and committees meet throughout the year in person and through phone conferences, there is something special about the annual combined meeting at the New York State Fire Academy in Montour Falls, which was held this year from November 20-21. A deeper level of interaction occurs in the shared "home" of the fire service in New York state. Goals and strategies are decided for the coming year.

The Government Affairs Committee presented their suggested Legislative Agenda for the board’s consideration. The final version will be available on the association's website and in the first issue of
SIZE UP in 2011. One of the highlights was the meeting of the Paid Officers Committee and the Volunteer Chiefs Committee. After long discussion they recognized that issues of budgeting, working with government leaders, officer training and internal leadership were goals of both groups. Recognizing what unites us is far more powerful than concentrating on what divides us. Also of note, the newly created Special Operations Committee met, which includes the members of the former Haz-Mat Committee. "We all know that fires no longer make up the majority of what we do," said President Al Varlaro, "special operations are a service our communities expect us to provide." This committee will focus on all levels of technical rescue.

"Our committees are our greatest strength," said 1st Vice President Skip Sylvester. "Each member brings great insight and energy to the discussion." Executive Director Tom LaBelle stated, "This board has continued the tradition of supporting committees that not only have ideas, but the drive to accomplish them."

New York State Association of Fire Chiefs