NE/SAE Members Attend ASAE's Annual Meeting

The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) held its 2019 Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio, earlier this month, and more than 25 NE/SAE members were in attendance. Members had a chance to connect at the hip Denmark on High for a meet-up before the opening general session kicked off three days of education, exhibits, and networking.

NE/SAE's Chair (Lynda Layer, CAE) and Executive Director (Andrew Finn, MSc, MBA, CAE) were in attendance (image right). Andrew also participated in the annual summer meeting of the Association Societies Alliance, the association for chief executives of the state, local, and regional societies of association executives from across the country. We look forward to sharing some exciting new developments about several member of our member benefits, including webinars and compensation studies, in the coming months.

One of NE/SAE's Board Members, Kevin Monteiro, CAE, celebrated his achievement of earning the Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential earlier this year by walking across the stage at the annual awards ceremony held on Tuesday, August 13. Congratulations, Kevin!

New this year, after the conference we polled attendees from our membership about the most impactful educational sessions, networking activities, and conference elements that stood out to them. We look forward to bringing some insights from what has been called "the Super Bowl of meetings" to future NE/SAE conferences!