NAEP 2020: Review the Sessions and Make Plans to Attend

NAEP 2020
April 5-8, 2020
Nashville, TN

Information  |  Registration

We hope to see you in Nashville this April. Our educational programming is in the last stages of finalization but you can review the full program agenda and session descriptions here.

Here is a sneak preview of several sessions:
Track: Analytics
In One Analytical Accord
Kelli Fager, Vanderbilt University and Snow Rutkowske, Illinois Institute of Technology

This session will explore procurement transformation through the use of analytics from two perspectives, working together in one accord: (a) the approach for and application of line item analysis related to strategic sourcing; and (b) the use of Cloud technology to generate metrics for operational excellence.

Track: Strategic Sourcing
Re-tuning Your Operation When You Strike the Wrong Chord
Claire Boyd, University of Georgia

When you look around does it feel like everyone else is hitting the Top 40 or earning a Grammy? What do you do when you are struggling just to get through the next "audition" or strike the wrong "chord" during a performance? Come behind the curtain for an honest review of how one school faced its flaws and through diligence and perseverance is now better for it. Learning from our mistakes will make us better performers, both on stage, and back in the office.

Track: Diversity/Sustainability
Professional Women in Procurement: Mentoring to Build Future Leaders
Nichol Luoma, Arizona State University and Rosey Murton, Florida State University

This session will focus on several women in higher education procurement leadership sharing professional experiences and working together to gauge interest in participating in a more formalized mentoring program.