Building an Education Culture to Promote Organizational Change

NAEP Leadership Workshop:
Building an Education Culture to Promote Organizational Change
Led by Howard Tiebel

Sunday, April 5th from 11:30am to 4:15pm (Includes lunch)
4 hours of education credit (CEH)

This high-level strategic course is held in conjunction with the NAEP 2020 Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN

Information and Registration

Even with an awareness of accelerating change around us, as human beings we find it difficult to embody embracing an uncertain future. Seeing ourselves as navigators of change, and not just problem solvers, is one step to orient you and your people to productive conversations and actions.

As procurement practitioners and professionals, we often find ourselves in that space of responding to changes versus driving change at our institutions. In this session we will explore how to create a culture to move beyond “this is the way we’ve always done things” to cultivate teams that bring passion and enthusiasm to their shared work and network of commitments. Using principles from previous successful change management programs, you will learn the tools to bring leaders together (Cabinet colleagues, presidents, boards and project teams) to a place of resolution and ambition.

In this program you will learn how to: