Last Chance to Nominate a Leader

NAEP is looking forward to our future and we need great leaders like you to meet the challenges facing higher education procurement and turn them into opportunities.

Joining the national Board of Directors is a rewarding experience that will allow you to:

This year, the following positions on the national board are open as current members roll off at the conclusion of their service terms. Help shape the future of higher education procurement by nominating yourself or encouraging a colleague.


2nd Vice President on the National Board of Directors
5-year Term

This position rises through the ranks of the NAEP Board of Directors, culminating as NAEP Board President. A few of the major roles and duties include:

Do you know an impressive colleague in one of the following regions? Tap into your network and ask them to consider running!

Districts 3 & 6 Representative to the Board of Directors
3-year Term

These two positions represent the Kentucky, Carolinas, TAGM, & Florida and the Northwest, Pacific & Rocky Mountain regions respectively at the National Board level. A few of the major duties include:

If you are interested in serving, or know of potential board members you would like to recommend, email Nichol Luoma, NAEP Immediate Past President and Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations must be received by Friday, November 1, 2019. Upon receipt of nominations the committee will select two candidates per open position to run for election from February 5, 2019 through March 5, 2019.