Get to Know Our Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker

NAEP 2019 Annual Meeting
April 7-10, 2019
Kansas City, MO
Information | Registration

Though the holidays are upon us, it won't be long before we're into springtime. And with spring comes the NAEP Annual Meeting. We kick off the educational portion of our event on Monday, April 8th with a keynote speaker that will have you buzzing.

For over 15 years Sekou Andrews has been helping the world’s largest organizations deliver relevant information with riveting inspiration through an innovative, unconventional category of speaking called “Poetic Voice.”

With his uncanny ability to humanize complex business topics ranging from disruption and innovation to purpose and collaboration, it is no surprise that Forbes Magazine has called Sekou “the de facto poet laureate of corporate America.”His “wow-factor” is in high demand with the world’s most successful organizations, including Google, Viacom, Toyota, Nike, Cisco, Linkedin, Global Green, Paypal, ASAE, The Gap, General Mills, TEDx, YPO, Capital One, L’Oreal, Autodesk, ACLU, Intuit, and the NBA to name but a few. Sekou has also emerged as an inspiring voice for health and wellness, routinely evoking tears, cheers, and standing ovations at events for clients such as Johnson & Johnson, United Healthcare, Mayo Clinic, Blue Shield, TEDMED, Roche, Genentech, and the American Nurses Association.

Many of Sekou’s clients share a common journey with his work. It often begins with the words “Why would we want poetry at our leadership meeting?” and often ends with the words “highest rated speaker at our event”. Sekou’s talks on disruption are in such demand because they literally embody disruption on stage, charging you to disrupt yourself by shifting your mindset. His keynotes on storytelling show leaders how to deliver dense data through beautifully human presentations. From bold thinking and success, Sekou’s speeches are rich with actionable insight that will help you connect more deeply with your communities, become a more influential leader, and unlock greater possibilities.