NAEP Executive Director Search Update

The search committee has finalized the job description and job announcement. As part of this process, we have decided to change the job title to Executive Director. The Executive Director title is common in non-profits, especially similar in size to NAEP. The role will continue to be the highest position within the association.

Our search firm, Spelman Johnson, has started recruiting! Click here to view the position announcement on their website. Please share the information with your professional networks and let us know if you have nominations for the position. You can contact our search consultant Mark Hall or call (803) 708-0038 with questions and nominations.

Mark will review all applications and send materials for the most highly-qualified candidates to the search committee for consideration. The committee will select a group of semifinalists and conduct first-round interviews towards the end of August. The goal will be to have office interviews for finalists in September with members of the board. Let us know if you have any questions!