Are You A Good Negotiator?

Negotiation impacts many key factors in our procurement careers. It can be a continuous process given our responsibilities in procurement and that gives us the chance at continuous improvement. What are you doing to get better as you begin each new opportunity?

When you begin a new negotiation with a vendor or other stakeholder at your institution, how do you approach the negotiating table? Are you guarded and like to play things close to the vest or do you share even just a little bit of information? As humans, we tend to respond in the same manner as those around us. Are you setting a negative, distrustful tone for your negotiations or are you creating a positive environment allowing win-win outcomes for everyone?

Have you done your research and do you have a plan going in? Do you know what your key outcomes need to be and what your bottom line is? Have you game planned for different scenarios and outcomes and do you know the point where you may just have to walk away?

Formal negotiations training can help answer these and many other questions about the process. Knowing that you have thought through all the variables and have a process leading to specific outcomes can instill a confidence in you that you may not have when just going with a gut feeling at the negotiation table.

If you are ready to take a deeper dive into the subject, check out the NAEP Negotiations Institute in December outside of Baltimore. It will provide a solid return on your time and financial investment.