There's Still Time to Donate & Support Our 9-1-1 Community in 2024!

Every day, 9-1-1 professionals like you help people facing issues of life and death. So often, a telecommunicator’s calm and reassuring voice is the first sign of hope when all can feel lost.

Right now, you have a chance to help members of our 9-1-1 family. When you contribute to NENA's Gold Line Scholarship Fund, you’re empowering 9-1-1 professionals to do their very best.


Time and time again, we've heard that the ability to attend conferences and training programs really makes a difference. Our scholarship recipients receive skills and knowledge that enable them to adapt and overcome the challenges they face every day. But they can't do it without your support!

Click here to donate or text NENA to 71777!

Our goal for this scholarship drive is $50,000 – enough to provide twenty scholarships for 9-1-1 professionals like you who don’t have access to this vital and life-changing training. It is only through your generosity that we can meet this goal and make an impact!

National Emergency Number Association