Melanie Neal, ENP Elected to NENA’s Board of Directors

Neal elected 2nd Vice President, will serve as association President in 2024-25.

NENA: The 9-1-1 Association recently announced that Melanie Neal, ENP of Guilford Metro (NC) 911 has been elected by the organization’s members to serve on its Board of Directors and help lead the association’s mission to improve 9-1-1 through standards development, training, thought leadership, outreach, and advocacy.

Neal, who will ascend to 1st Vice President in 2023 and then association President in 2024, is a 33-year public-safety veteran, having served as a telecommunicator, shift supervisor, and operations manager. Currently, she serves as the Executive Director of Guilford Metro 911, one of the largest consolidated centers in North Carolina.

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National Emergency Number Association