"Women in 9-1-1 Webinar Series: Navigating Career Changes in 9-1-1" Announced for 12.09

Women In 9-1-1 Webinar Series: Navigating Career Changes in 9-1-1
Thursday, December 9 | 1PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
Free! Click here to register!

Are you thinking about making a career change? When government employees move to the private sector the transition can be a little overwhelming. In this webinar, you will hear from 9-1-1 professionals who have made the leap explain how they navigated the switch. You will gain insights and learn what you need to know when considering making the jump from those who have walked this path before you.

Can't attend on the 9th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Presenters: Beth English, ENP – Commercial Electronics | Mary Boyd, ENP – Intrado | Toni Dunne, ENP – Motorola Solutions

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the ten-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.

National Emergency Number Association