NENA Releases ANSI-Approved Emergency Incident Data Object (EIDO) Standard

As agencies and regions move forward with implementing NG9-1-1 and IP based emergency communications systems, it is critical that they adhere to a standardized, industry-neutral format for exchanging emergency incident information between disparate systems located across disparate agencies and other stakeholders. The Emergency Incident Data Object (EIDO) Standard provides a standardized Javascript Object Notation (JSON) format to convey this information, including from call handling to Computer-Aided-Dispatch (CAD), from CAD to CAD, to field responders, and to other entities. To contribute to interoperability between domains, where possible EIDO also incorporates hundreds of elements from the National Incident Information Exchange Model (NIEM).

"The EIDO standard is the latest in a long history of work for standardizing conveyance of incident information that began with NENA’s 2014 EIDD Information Document", said NENA's CEO, Brian Fontes. "We are excited to see that public-safety agencies and industry have already begun testing and implementing EIDO based on drafts of the standard even prior to final publication."

The EIDO Standard provides only JSON incident data itself. The EIDO Conveyance workgroup is working on a Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API) to provide a full REST/JSON service for EIDO deployments. The EIDO Conveyance standard is expected to be completed soon.

The EIDO standard and Open API schema are available here; the schema is also available on Github here.

National Emergency Number Association