EIDO Standard Available for Public Review & Comment

There are many Functional Elements (FEs) within an NG9-1-1 system that are used to process emergency calls. Some of these FEs may be within a specific agency, in another agency or elsewhere in an Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet). In many cases, an emergency call is related to, or results in the creation of an "Incident" as defined in NENA STA-010.2-2016. As public safety communication center personnel process emergency calls for service and their associated Incidents, new information about the Incidents is obtained. There are many sources available to communication center personnel for obtaining new Incident information during call handling, Incident creation, dispatch, Incident monitoring, and post Incident analysis processes. Newly gathered information, as well as changes in Incident status, must often be passed on to other FEs, other involved agencies, and frequently to non-emergency entities authorized to receive emergency Incident information. As agencies and regions move forward with implementing NG9-1-1 and IP based emergency communications systems, it is critical that they adhere to a standardized, industry-neutral format for exchanging emergency Incident information between disparate manufacturer’s systems located within one or more public safety agencies, and with other Incident stakeholders.

Download the NENA Standard for Emergency Incident Data Object (EIDO) and submit comments by going here and then select "Add a Comment" from the "Document Actions" icon.

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All comments are due by July 12, 2021. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

National Emergency Number Association