Spoofing Mitigation Document Available for Public Review & Comment

The NENA Spoofing Mitigation Information Document addresses operational as well as technical impacts associated with applying information spoofing mitigation techniques to 9‑1‑1 calls and emergency callbacks. Specifically, this document discusses the need for spoofing mitigation to be addressed in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to influence call handling and/or to support post-processing associated with emergency calls, depending on the jurisdiction. For example, SOPs must clearly define how SHAKEN-related information (e.g., attestation level) will be displayed to PSAP call takers and describe how the information should be used in the course of handling an emergency call. SOPs should also provide guidance with respect to how an agency will prioritize and handle calls of different attestation levels relative to other calls occurring around the same time. This document addresses spoofing mitigation associated with 9-1-1 calls and callback calls in an all-IP environment.

Members of the Working Group are to download the document and submit comments by going here and then select "Add a Comment" from the "Edit" icon.

All others are to download the document and submit comments by going here and then select "Add a Comment" from the "Document Actions" icon.

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If you are providing Editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, and incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one (1) comment and list the page and line number for each. For example:

All comments are due by June 6, 2021. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

National Emergency Number Association