Call for NENA ICE 9 Participants

NENA’s Next Generation 9-1-1 Industry Collaboration Event (ICE) series provides the opportunity for 9-1-1 equipment and service providers to come together to test products and services in an open, supportive, and collaborative environment. The next event in the series, ICE 9, will break new ground in that it will be a joint event held in conjunction with the European Emergency Number Association (EENA) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). ICE 9 will take place concurrently with the NG112 Plugtests #4, hosted by EENA and ETSI. ICE 9/Plugtests #4 will focus on the testing of emergency communications session (ECS) routing across international borders. ECS’s may contain voice, images, video, and/or text. ICE 9 may also separately test the newly-operationalized PSAP Credentialing Agency (PCA), specifically, the security advantages the PCA offers.

NENA and EENA/ETSI invite all interested vendors that have a stake in improving global access to emergency services to participate in ICE 9 and Plugtests #4. NGCS vendors, Forest Guide developers, user agent and mobile app providers, and call handling vendors should consider participating in this event and in the activities of the ICE 9 or Plugtests #4 planning committees, both of which will be convened in the near future.

Click here for full details, including how to participate.

National Emergency Number Association