Customer Service Webinar Announced for June 24

Customer Service: Important Now More Than Ever
Wednesday, June 24 | 3PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
FREE for NENA Members
Click here to register!

In the world of emergency response, the term customer service takes on a completely new meaning. This webinar provides you with some rapid-fire tips and tricks to help call taking go more smoothly and create an environment of efficiency, especially when dealing with emotionally-charged callers. Attend to learn:


Can't attend on the 24th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Presenter: John Ferraro, ENP - Northwest Central Dispatch System (IL)

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the ten-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.

Questions? Contact Amanda Tegtmeyer with the NENA Education team.

National Emergency Number Association