Submit Your Wellness Resources for the NENA Continuum Wellness Portal

Personal and professional wellness is important, but we find that now, more than ever, we need to take care of ourselves, our families, and those on our teams. The NENA Wellness Continuum initiative is a comprehensive approach to wellness in the 9-1-1 industry. By sharing resources, best practices, and helpful tools and training in one location, we strive to inspire innovation and support wellness in all 9-1-1 professionals. 

These materials address a wide range of topics that apply to not only an individual, but also an organization. The content is user driven, and we need your recommendations. If you have resources that you have used and feel would be beneficial for others to access, we encourage you to submit those materials (written, web, video, etc.) to help spark a groundswell of wellness initiatives across the industry. 

National Emergency Number Association