911 SAVES Passes the House

911 SAVES, Representatives Torres and Fitzpatrick’s bill to reclassify Public Safety Telecommunicators as a Protective Service under OMB’s Standard Occupational Classification System, was put into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and passed the House on July 12! We couldn’t have done this without NENA members' hard work and constant advocacy for 9-1-1. YOU made the difference; using our NENA Online Action Center, 12,500 of you connected with your legislators almost 40,000 times!

The NDAA’s next stop is the Senate, where we anticipate quick action one way or another. We’ll have a more detailed explainer on 911 SAVES’ path to passage soon, so stay tuned, and keep calling your Senators to tell them to support 911 SAVES!

Click here to watch Representative Torres' House-floor remarks in support of 911 SAVES.


National Emergency Number Association