Free Sponsored Webinar on Ransomware Attacks

The Case of PSAP Ransomware Attacks 
​Sponsored by Motorola Solutions
Wednesday, April 3 | 1PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
FREE! Click here to register!

If your system is hacked and unavailable, you can’t protect the people who count on you. Maintaining availability is paramount for any PSAP and losing it could be your worst nightmare. Join us as we look at how two PSAPs became victim to ransomware attacks and what they could have done to prevent them, mitigate the damage, and if needed, recover as quickly as possible. The scenario-based use cases will illustrate the undeniable and alarming facts regarding cyber vulnerability. Attend the webinar and gain a better understanding of where you may have cyber vulnerability and the proven steps you can take to reduce risk and maintain availability in the world of NG9-1-1.

Speakers: Katja Jalonen, Administrative Support Manager, Martin County (FL) Sheriff’s Office | Dan Zeller, Director of 9-1-1 Cybersecurity, Motorola Solutions

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point toward the six-point maximum for non-NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Can't attend on the 3rd? Register now and you will have access to the on-demand webinar archive via the registration landing page.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details will be provided to attendees via email automatically upon registration. 

The views expressed during this webinar are those of the sponsor and not necessarily those of NENA. NENA does not endorse any proprietary product or solution. Contact Sean Sullivan for more information on how your company can participate in NENA’s sponsored webinar program.

National Emergency Number Association