ENP Exam Prep Boot Camp Coming Up in Washington, DC on February 16

Those who have been there will tell you: Preparing for the Emergency Number Professional Certification exam is no simple task. But they'll also tell you that taking part in a study group is one of the best ways to ensure you're ready!

This workshop starts off with an overview of ENP application and exam scheduling processes before jumping into a cram session to begin getting you ready to ace the test! You will leave the workshop better prepared for the ENP exam and with an increased general knowledge of the main ENP exam topic areas, including telephone, radio, PSAP infrastructure, NG9-1-1 human resource issues, and more. We'll also keep it fun and lively by playing a few rounds of "ENP Jeopardy!" and provide you with learning techniques you can use when you return home to maximize the effectiveness of your study time and improve your information retention levels.

The boot camp is FREE to all #NENAGTW attendees! Registration for everyone else is available here for just $50. 

National Emergency Number Association