Accessibility Committee Seeks Volunteers

The following NENA Accessibility Committee working groups are seeking active volunteers to assist with the completion of several work activities. Click the group names below to learn more and get involved in any of these WGs. You may pick all three if you have the time!
The Managers Guide to the ADA Title II: Direct Access Work Group is currently reviewing and updating the standard document to ensure that information from amendments of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, and other essential federal rulings on providing direct and communication access to callers with disabilities are included.  
The Communications Modalities Work Group is developing an informational document with a chart that lists potential communication modalities used by different populations including people with disabilities to call and to communicate with 9-1-1, which includes a combination of video, voice and text via different network systems in an NG9-1-1 environment. 
The Emergency Notification for People with Disabilities Work Group is currently developing an informational document on access to emergency warning and information through visual and/or tactile means for persons with disabilities affecting their ability to receive traditional English text or audible messages. 

National Emergency Number Association