Andie Hanson, ENP

This special feature highlights NENA members from various backgrounds, industry segments, experiences, and geographic locations. It offers members an opportunity to share their stories with their colleagues and the greater NENA community. Email NENA Member Services Director Bri Robinson if we should feature you or someone you know.

NENA: Tell us a little bit about who you are, where you’re from, what you do, and your history with NENA....

 Andie Hanson: Currently, I’m working as Operations Manager at SNOCOM 911 in Washington State, just north of Seattle. Prior to that, I worked as a supervisor and dispatcher in Washington and Southern California. Since January 2016, I have also assumed interim duties as System Manager for our countywide public safety software project. The project has been live for a year, and consists of CAD, RMS, Corrections, and Mobile applications for the entire county with 53 agencies, 2 PSAPs, and 4000 users.

I achieved ENP certification in April of 2012, and really started getting involved with NENA shortly after coming to work at SNOCOM in November of 2012. I had also been involved in the State NENA chapter, but had not attended any NENA national conferences until 2014. I’ve worked to host two CMCP courses in Western Washington, and have also served on the NENA Institute Board since 2014.

NENA: What is your guilty pleasure? What can you not live without?

AH: Probably macaroni and cheese. I can live without it, but it definitely feels like a guilty pleasure when I decide to indulge :) As far as something I cannot live without, that would be Pearl Jam music and trips to somewhere warm and tropical on a yearly basis.

NENA: Tell us something that might surprise us about you.
AH: I’m nearly fluent in Spanish (it gets better when I go to Mexico, which is why I need to go once a year!) and that I spent several years showing cattle at the National Western Stock Show in Denver and the NILE stock show in Billings, MT.
Click here to read the rest of our interview with Andie...

National Emergency Number Association