NENA dispatch
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Volunteer for the Supplemental Location Data Working Group

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NENA seeks volunteers for a new working group to write a NENA Information Document that will provide guidance and recommended best practices to the PSAPs for the use of supplemental location and caller information as identified in the Recommended Best Practices for Supplemental 9-1-1 Location Data document created by NENA staff, NASNA, and iCERT. In addition to supplemental location data, this document will include emergency contact information, medical data, telematics information, and other data types available from IoT devices. This work will include:


  • Identification of supplemental location and caller data sources (embedded in call handling/dispatch clients, third party applications, web-based client, etc.);
  • Development of best practices for delivering, accessing and utilizing this data;
  • Evaluation of the data’s value and benefit to the PSAP and public safety ecosystem operations (ex. Call-taker, dispatcher, field responder); and,
  • Development of recommendations for the delivery and operational use of Z-access data. 


Volunteers for this work group should have subject matter experience as:


  • PSAP operations staff (e.g. calltakers, dispatchers, trainers, managers, etc.);
  • GIS professionals; 
  • Supplemental location / data providers; and
  • Operations / 9-1-1 call-handling equipment vendors.


Meetings will be held on a bi-weekly basis on a day/time to be determined by members of the WG. Click here to join this WG.


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