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NENA 2017 Session Proposal Due Friday!

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From now through October 28, NENA is accepting session proposals for the NENA 2017 Conference & Expo taking place June 3-8 in San Antonio!

Leading a session at a national NENA conference is a highly sought after role. It’s your chance to share your knowledge and experience with an informed and enthusiastic audience filled with 9-1-1 professionals eager to gain and share information.

For NENA attendees, session speakers are often the most memorable element of the conference. To meet our audience’s high expectations, your session must be engaging, informative, and applicable to a diverse audience with a wide range of professional and personal backgrounds. To ensure your submission receives due consideration, please ensure that:
  • Your proposal is issue-focused, not product-focused;
  • Your 65-word presentation description contains a precise objective;
  • You are able to identify three clear audience takeaways;
  • You fully complete all areas of the submission form and provide accurate contact information, including phone number(s), e-mail address(es), and mailing address(es);
  • You use proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation
Click here to learn more and submit your great idea today!

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